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The Brinkman Real Estate Blog

The answers to all the questions you never new to ask!

Buying A Home For $659 Down – A Case Study

By Joslyn Brinkman | Apr 3, 2023

As a Real Estate Broker in the business for the last 7 years I’ve noticed a growing trend on the social media front, on the news/entertainment front, among my peers and my own wallet. The cost of living has increased and home affordability is becoming a problem for a large swath of the would be […]

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Selling For Sale By Owner? Some Things To Consider

By Joslyn Brinkman | Feb 27, 2023

Way back in 2015 I was a first time home flipper, full of ambition with an “I know what I’m doing” attitude. I watched “Flip or Flop” a time or two… How hard could it be?? My business partner and I were putting the finishing touches on a house we had just got done remodeling. […]

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Renovations To Consider For Increasing Your Home’s Value

By Joslyn Brinkman | Feb 13, 2023

Every time I walk through a house I’m always looking at ways to maximize the value of the home. It’s just something that’s engrained in me. I can’t help myself. I cut my teeth in the real estate world by doing renovations to beat up rentals and doing house flips. That eventually transitioned into being […]

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